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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Objecties, Alignment and Power of Collaboration

The majority see the obstacles; the few see the objectives; history records the successes of the latter, while oblivion is the reward of the former.

This time Prof Mandi entered the class with some chunks of magnet and as usual  we do not had any idea about what he is going to demonstrate with them. Then he showed us a very basic property of magnet i.e attraction. Then a question "Why does magnet attracts? " After so many attempts one of class was able to answer it correctly. Its because magnet can align its innate magnetic forces in magnetic atoms. So that mean magnet align its internal power to acquire property of attraction.

Employees represent both your organization's biggest line item expense, and your most valuable asset. This means your company's productivity-and ultimately, its profitability-depend on making sure all of your workers perform up to their full potential. A Manager aligns human forces to get work done. In effect an organization is a force that is aligned. The bigger or better an organization, the more perfectly it is aligned. Companies that more closely aligned goals across their organization enjoyed much higher levels of financial success.

 Management by Objectives:-
Management model that aims to improve performance of an organization by clearly defining objectives that are agreed to by both management and employees. According to the theory, having a say in goal setting and action plans should ensure better participation and commitment among employees, as well as alignment of objectives across the organization.
For greater clarity on the topic we compared two different styles of management we had previously studied in class – the blindfolded tower building and the three monk collaborative water collection.

We ended our discussion by comparing two Indian Sporting giants and understanding why they were unable to cooperate and work. We concluded that the main reason was a skill set mismatch. Multiple skills COULD come as a disadvantage as the ability to exercise choice comes into the picture. Management should figure out which all skills to hone & nurture and which all to get rid of or discourage.

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